I came upon Psanctuary as I was seeking the mushroom to break through a creative block and heal from some recent traumatic experiences. A few years ago, I left a 20-year career in the financial industry because the time had finally come for me to address the depression, anxiety and pain I had been carrying for as long as I could remember. And I wanted to see if I could discover something new to do, to use my skills for greater impact.
I was very fortunate be able to take time off and made it my full time job to learn all I could to get some relief. I met a ton of really cool people that helped me along the way, and tried just about everything. Psychedelics played a VERY significant role. For the first time in my life I felt a sense of knowing a true connection to God, oneness, the beautiful simplicity of the grand design, vantage points. The sacred mushroom lifted much of the depression and showed me some things about myself that I had not been aware, and continue to glean from its wisdom months later.
I am honored that my journey has led me here and proud to draw upon my business and life experience to help build the vision of Psanctuary. What a beautiful Gift.